Sunday, May 15, 2022

Review: A plumber for all seasons

Finished in ~3h30
 A hack that's been on the work for for 9 years. This hack's main feature are the mostly completely custom made graphics by WYE along with some ASM and a neat season gimmick to deliver an unique experience.

WYE love to put his logo into the ground graphics.
So first the aesthetic. It's just wonderful, all the tricks were used to make is looks as good as possible. The beautiful custom graphics, but the clever use of layers 2/3, parralax and so on. Each level has a unique appearance that fit well with the seasons. The custom musics are new too. They are nice, albeit some are a bit forgettable. The underground theme is my favorite, while I think the first castle theme would fit better a mountain. Still, very nice.

The snow's getting thicker.

The season gimmick is you have to play 8 levels on an island, 4 times for each seasons. But the levels are completely different between the seasons, only the theme remain. For example the fourth level is a forest level, but it looks different in each season. Light green with flowers in spring, rainy in summer, orange in fall and frozen in winter. Each world has also it's set of new enemies like some flowers in spring, although koopas are present everywhere, and a bit too much of them, but they are the classic enemies. The gameplay is classic SMW, a few change here and here that aren't bad. The cape is replaced with a raccoon leaf, but contrary to other hacks you only need to hold the jump button to fly and fall slowly, which is much better on the hand. The dragon coins (star coins here) are still 5 in each levels, and you must get all of them for 100% completion, which isn't hard and when you collect them once they stay collected forever.

A good raccoon tail finally?
The levels are fairly linear, with some detours and small little challenges to get the stars coins which are good. The few secret exits were also nicely implemented. Some levels have unique sprites or gimmick that makes playing them really fun. Even the more classical level, due to the unique aesthetic and season theme are refreshing to play. There was a lot of creative setups, except maybe a bit too much use of blocks on the ground you need a koopa shell to hit them.

I need 99 lives? Say no more fam. I won't spoil what it unlocks.

The game in intermediate difficulty on smwc, which is easy for veteran SMW players. I admit I breezed through most of the level, 100% the hack with it's 41 exists took me only 3h30 to complete, but it was still very fun. If you're looking for a short or easy hack with classic gameplay and extremely charming atmosphere, I definitely recommend this one.

Autumn best season don't @ me.

Amazing, must play

Review talk: Rating system

The reviews are only made for me, but still I will talk about how I review the hacks, and how I will change the rating.
At first it was a rating system out of 10. For a game to get 0 it need to crash before it can be played. My rating was as follow:
  1.  King of kusoge
  2. Very bad
  3. Bad
  4. Poor
  5.  Middling
  6. Ok
  7. Good
  8. Very Good
  9. Amazing
  10. Masterpiece
Where games between 1 and 4 I don't recommend playing, 5-6 I usually don't recommend but they can have a niche appeal, 7-8 I recommend and 9-10 are must play for hack players enthusiasts in my opinion.
But I notice that I won't use all numbers, so I want to simplify it. It will now be rated from 0 to 5, using stars. The new rating will be as follow:
  1. ⭐ Poor - I didn't like it and wouldn't recommend it (4-5 previously)
  2. ⭐⭐ Okay - It was okay, I wouldn't recommend it but I understand it's not bad and some people may like it, or it may have a niche appeal that I wasn't particularly attracted to (5-6 previously)
  3. ⭐⭐⭐ Good - It's good to play, I recommend it but not as much as the 4 and 5 stars hacks (6-7 previously)
  4. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Very good - I like it a lot, I recommend playing (8 previously)
  5. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Amazing, a must play for fan of romhacks of this genre (9-10 previously)

 No need to have too many numbers for bad games, one is enough (only 1⭐ is bad). I don't intend to play bad hacks.

Also 0 stars will be possible, but if it's really bad (1-3 in previous rating), a game where I hated most of my time playing it and don't find any appeal.