Saturday, November 26, 2022

Review: Yoshi's Crack House

What the...   (completed in 70 minutes)
As I was browsing my "to be played one day" romhack folder in search of a short hack to play, I stumbled into one called Yoshi's Crack House. Not remembering when I downloaded it or what it was about. With a name like that I wasn't expecting much. But...
That's the sort of OW I would make.

This was a surprisingly enjoyable hack. It's a "joke" hack in that it has funny and vulgar story and text, but it never goes too far offensive (for me at least). In fact I think it could have went harder some times, especially the ending that was a bit of a wet fart like most joke hack. A funny final cutscene after the final boss would have been cool. But for the rest of the story, it was kind of funny. Not extremely humorous but funny and original enough.
Challenging enough.

And the the game part, it's good. The level design is challenging but fair and good platforming. It doesn't innovate but it's strongly decent and offer a good time. There's a bit of a difficulty spike at the end, but the sections are short and there is instant retry. In previous levels there's enough powerups too.
The boss are kind of meh, they are just boss taken from smwc, nothing new. I admit I found kind of funny to have an epic touhou music just for that stupid overused thwomp boss.


Overall I enjoyed my time playing it, it's a good short hack with stupid humor attached to it.

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